Saturday, January 26, 2013

Uh Oh

We are about two weeks into my ninth graders’ second semester of self-paced history. Time to check in and get some solid numbers to get a better feel for where everyone is at. Google forms to the rescue!

Anecdotally, I have seen some great growth in students who really struggled with self-paced learning last semester. However, I didn’t have solid numbers to know more precisely where all my students are in our imperialism unit. These numbers are based on my ‘suggested pace’ that I create for my students - this pace is what I feel is reasonable for students to move through a given unit at if they use their classtime well. Here are the numbers I got:

more than 1 week behind: 12%
1 week behind: 8%
3 days behind: 29%
1 day behind: 29%
right on track: 7%
1 day ahead: 7%
2 or more days ahead: 8%

So my students aren’t where I hoped they would be in the imperialism unit. Clearly my students aren’t using the time they have in class with me the way I hoped they would be. Yet. This means that the work they are choosing not to get done in class will need to move outside of classtime into homework, which I’m not thrilled about. But this is also a choice my students have made. And it provides some good fodder for a class discussion on Monday!


  1. This isn't entirely a solution, but I have the same problems with my English classes. Two things have helped - one, I try to break down an assignment and have deadlines for each part - some to be done by the end of class. I am also using Wallwisher/Padlet where students share what they have accomplished in a class period. Finally, I partner up kids who are on top of their work with those who are struggling. Hope this not too obvious, but helpful.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts - they are definitely helpful! I don't want to put those deadlines in - I'd much rather have the students be forced to manage their time, but it looks like I might be having my hand forced :)

